Dumpster rental costs are an important consideration when you’re comparing roll off dumpster rental companies here in northern New Jersey. If you’ve looked around a bit, you probably know already that there are a number of factors that can influence how much you’ll pay to rent a dumpster. The total dumpster rental cost depends on: 

  • The size of roll-off container
  • The type of waste you’re disposing (i.e., commercial waste, construction debris, yard debris and dirt, etc.) 
  • The weight of that waste 
  • How long you need the dumpster
  • Fees charged by the landfill/transfer station

Honesty is important to us at All Trades Disposal, so we strive to be as clear and transparent as possible about our fees. We’ll always do our best to give an accurate cost range based on our years of experience and the information that a homeowner or commercial business provides. But as you can see, there are quite a few details that can influence that cost. 

Working out Dumpster Rental Costs. Paper & Calculator

What can you do to keep your dumpster rental costs down? 

Certain charges are inevitable but there are things you can do to get the most out of your roll-off dumpster rental. Here are a few tips on how to maximize your dumpster rental, which should help with keeping the dumpster rental costs down: 

1. Be as accurate as possible about what you are disposing. 

Your quote will be more accurate if you are specific and upfront about the type of materials that will go into the dumpster. Some materials might result in additional charges, such as appliances, extra large items, or electronics, and an overweight container is subject to extra fees.

2. Know what materials are not allowed. 

That garage or basement cleanout project might feel like your opportunity to throw out anything and everything you don’t need or want. However, make sure you’re familiar with any prohibited items, which will result in additional fees on your final invoice. All Trades Disposal doesn’t allow any hazardous materials, including used tires, chemical products, industrial waste, oil filters, flammable liquids, aerosol cans, and motor oil, to name a few. 

3. Avoid overfilling the roll-off container. 

Whether you are a homeowner or a general contractor, it’s important to order the right size of roll-off container. If a container is filled to the point that debris is overflowing, it might mean that the dumpster cannot be transported safely to the landfill or transfer station. This could require a second dumpster to offload the extra material. 

4. Load evenly if possible. 

Filling your roll-off dumpster evenly will also help avoid debris spilling out. If you’re doing a construction project or home DIY renovation, make sure to dispose bulky, heavy items first (i.e., into the bottom of the dumpster). Avoid tossing empty boxes or large pieces right into the container. Break them down first to avoid gaps of wasted space. 

5. Plan out your project timeline. 

At All Trades, we understand the fluid nature of construction and cleanout projects. We’ll always work with customers when they need a little flexibility, but to ensure we can serve all clients best, we establish rental periods of two weeks. To avoid any extension fees, we recommend planning out your project with set dumpster drop-off and pickup days. 

6. Concerned about neighbors using your dumpster? Politely ask them not to. 

An open roll-off container in the neighborhood might seem like an invitation to the neighbors to dump their trash too. If your neighbors use your dumpster for their debris, it might fill up quickly, causing you to pay an overage or overfill fee. Keep an eye on the contents and talk with neighbors if you suspect they are using your dumpster for their own cleanout project. Chances are, they don’t realize that you could be charged additional for their waste. 

Contact us to discuss your potential dumpster rental costs on your next project

The friendly team at All Trades Disposal can help you select the right size of roll-off container for your project. They can also help you plan ahead to ensure you get the most out of your rental. Contact us to discuss your project in Essex County, Morris County, Somerset County, or nearby!